Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Here is a little of what we have been up to lately. With all the wind and rain that has been around, our weeks have been a little restricted in what we can do and where we can go.  

Autumn colours

DVD's on rainy days

I popped into Manyara Home the other day, so many beautiful things!

Lots of catch ups in cafes 

We watched the Mayweather/Pacquiao fight at home and it needed Pimms and a platter

Noah is going through a phase where he is pulling every single toy out and dumping it in the middle of the room so when his room is tidy I'm taking a photo!

Interesting dress code at lunch the other day ;)

How has your week been?
Anything interesting coming up?


  1. mmmm delicious fight food! love having an excuse to have snackies for din din.
    we've had a rainy and gloomy last few days as well, but still managed to get out for a muddy hike this afternoon!

  2. Love the Jimi Hendrix photo - I haven't heard that one before! We had a few wet and rainy autumn days here on the Gold Coast but now its back to it's sunny self luckily!

  3. This is my first visits on your website thanks for the information
    happy father's day 2015
    father's day 2015


Thanks for reading x

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