Friday, March 12, 2021

Around here lately...

 How are you?! Life has jumped back into high speed now that school and sports have started up again so I thought I'd pop on and do a bit of a photo dump and share a little of life lately...

A new month = a new light box message

After a hot and humid summer, all of the plants are growing so well and looking lush!

Pops of pink

Kitchen vignette - I love my cute gold spoons

Queenscliff to Shelley Beach walks and a lunch stop along the way at Manly Wine

A lovely surprise gift hamper! 

The real estate market is going crazy and Simon has been so busy lately. I've also been styling properties for sale and have completed around 7 already this year. 

We had a great visit from the QLD grandparents. 
This was the first time Finn had seen them in over a year thanks to COVID.

Simon had a quick day trip to Melbourne to surf at URBNSURF. Such a fun idea and I'm sure we'll take the boys down sometime in the future.

So that's a little wrap up of what we have been up to lately.
How about you?

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