Friday, February 3, 2012

Do you do this?

Do you do this?
Do you save an outfit for just the right time?

I have a dress still hanging in my cupboard that I was saving for Christmas Day. It was too muggy on the day for me to wear it whilst I was cooking and running around being hostessy so now it is waiting for the right time to be worn.

Which outfit are you saving?

Simone xx

image via tumblr


  1. Hmm, I used to do this but I threw out all my old stuff so now it forces me to wear my newer gear. Silly isn't it, I mean it is not as though we are going to do finger painting in it or anything...;)x

  2. That is so funny! I was thinking about this exact thing the other day. I'm terrible at it. I want to wear something, but then think about what I have on during the week and decide to save it for something better.
    I guess it's like saving your best china for when the Queen comes to tea! :) xx

  3. Oh I did! Until, like Karla, I had to throw everything out because I got lost in it! Now I have only a few as I build up a wardrobe again, but not too much in case the weight comes back!!! But I do still have one outfit that has only seen the light of day once because it is being saved for something good!!!!

  4. I use to do it with the kids clothes more than a 'good' outfit...haha then they grow out of it and only wore it once ;0

  5. I used to do this.... But not any more.

    Life is too short to not enjoy every day to the max :)


  6. Ha ha! I love this as it's so true. I always seem to have clothes which I am saving for something. Never sure what. I am trying to get better at just trying to look fabulous every day even of I'm not even leaving the house.

  7. I hate to say this, but I do the exact same thing. I have a number of dresses/outfits that are hanging in my closet waiting to be worn - many brand spanking new. I get around in my all black basics during the week and weekend, and leave my pretty, colourful, fun outfits until "the time is right."
    Life is too short to save our pretty clothes! I say we wear them! Who knows when that "special day" will roll around...and when it does, our outfits might be totally out of fashion!!

  8. Yes.
    I have to make a conscious effort to get over it and wear the good stuff when I first think about it.
    I do it with shoes too, wearing older versions to save the better ones!
    I hope you wear your special dress soon.

  9. I bought a whole bunch of summer clothes in the sales to wear in June and July this year in Europe and in Spain when it will be 39 degrees! Waiting for the time to come so I can wear the floral and colourful skirts and jumpsuits x

  10. Haha! Yes I definitely do this SImone. I used to do it all the time when I was at work, always wanting to save a new outfit for a day when I felt particularly good. I also do it for upcoming events. Problem is, many a time I have decided to buy something I like even more closer to the event. Oh well, they all get a go eventually ;o) xo

  11. Um, yes! I have my 'big reveal' dress hanging in the wardrobe just waiting for me to show off my smashing hot new toned legs - its never been worn - one day!


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