
Friday, December 27, 2019

Christmas 2019

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!

We had a lovely Christmas Day just the 5 of us for the first time ever. With family spread out, bush fires, work commitments and a busy year,  Christmas Day this year was a much quieter day than previous years. As we usually host Christmas, it was definitely a different vibe!

Noah began our day nice and early at 5.30am due to excitement and the need to check if Santa had been! There is nothing better than a child's happiness on Christmas morning. Bliss!

We pottered around in the morning speaking to family and wishing them a Merry Christmas, preparing lunch and the boys playing with their new gifts.

I set the table using my beautiful hydrangeas as the centrepiece. Everything else was kept pretty simple to complement them. I used my yellow gingham napkins as they hadn't been used in a while, gold chargers + cutlery and metallic crackers were the finishing touches. A shiny, festive feel.

Even though it was just the 5 of us for lunch we had all the trimmings. Turkey, pork, roast veggies and stuffing balls and of course 3 different desserts. It's not Christmas without enough food for leftovers! Mum popped over after work for a late lunch so there was plenty to go around ;)

So Christmas is done and dusted for another year. I have pulled all the decorations down already and packed them away due to our renovations, so the house is back to normal.  Although I always feel that the house looks a little bare once the Christmas decorations are down. 
It takes a couple of days to settle back into normality.

How was your day? 

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