
Sunday, November 22, 2015

Around here lately.......

Sydney had a bit of a heat wave this week and the only way to keep cool was in the water. 
It was all about the beach, pool and ice blocks!

The pre Christmas catch ups with friends has started. This calls for platters and Pimms.

They were too sweet and brought this huge bouquet of flowers for me. My favourites.

Noah never stands still for a photo so it was nice to capture this one of him!

Although he kept me busy this week with his new habit of pulling EVERYTHING off his shelves!
Let's hope this phase passes soon ;)

Jasper had his athletics carnival and he and Simon came first in the parent/child race. Lots of fun.

We also set up the Christmas tree as it is our last quiet weekend for a while! The boys took great pride in placing the ornaments on the tree. I only had to adjust a couple ;)

My Etsy shop will be closing for the year in a couple of weeks. 
So now is the time to get in your Christmas orders. All banners are on sale. 

How has your week been? Did you get any of the sweltering heat?
Is your Christmas tree up or are you waiting for December?


  1. Heat isn't so bad here in Perth but I can tell we are definitely up for a warm Summer! I am terrible ... my Christmas tree was up on 1 November this year!! I love Christmas way too much and also feel like it's the best excuse to redecorate. xx

  2. It has been really hot in Perth too although the temps have dropped again now. Yes the tree and decorations are officially up!


Thanks for reading x