
Sunday, September 13, 2015

Our Week

How has your week been?
It's the end of another busy week. I know I keep saying it but I can't believe how fast the weeks and the year are flying by! I'd love things to slow down a little.

Finn's footy team made it into the Grand Finals, they lost out but they all played so well.
Even though Finn has been injured and missed half of the games he has been down there every weekend running on the tee for the kicks and staying part of things. Every one has been so lovely at keeping him feeling involved. It was great to sit out in the sun and enjoy the game.

I met up with a friend at The Grounds. I "met" Cill through Instagram a couple of years ago and even though I feel like I've known her for ages it was the first time we've met up face to face. 
It's amazing the connections you can make through social media isn't it? 

The weather has been beautiful! A perfect start to Spring. 
We've been enjoying a few walks in the sun this week. I have the cutest little walking buddy ;)

I couldn't resist putting this bunch of colour in the trolley when I did the grocery shopping this week. 
A pop of prettiness for the coffee table.

I finally finished this 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle! I had grand plans of us all sitting around the table as a family laughing, chatting and doing the puzzle.  Hmmm, I think I was a little ambitious. A few too many pieces and a little intricate for everyone. But I HAD to finish it, so I worked on it a little each night and Simon took pity on me and helped me finish it off.

Jasper earned another stripe on his belt at Jujitsu. Soooo proud!

We started to spruce up the outdoor area for the warmer weather and went to Bunnings for a couple of things. We came home with a car load of pots and plants (as you do!) and outside is looking great.
I've got a few things to finish off and then photos to come!

We ended the week with a sweet treat. When we were younger the Mr Whippy van always drove around on a Sunday. It's still exciting to see one!

What did you get up to?
How has the weather been at your place? Spring like?

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Thanks for reading x