
Friday, February 6, 2015

Our week - Back to reality

The holidays are over and we are slowly getting back into routine. It's actually quite nice to get back into a regular rhythm again. The boys are excited to be back at school and with their friends.
Lets hope the enthusiasm lasts!

Here is a look at our week -

With everyone back at school it was up and at em! 

Getting the house back in order after the holidays means fresh flowers too. 
I couldn't resist these dahlias.

The weekends are for pancake breakfasts.

Simon and I saw 2 movies in 2 days. Our movie drought is well and truly over. The Theory of Everything was about Stephen Hawking's early life, marriage and children. It was a really sweet but sad movie. I really liked it and found it quite interesting as I didn't really know much about him.

Wild was the 2nd movie. A true story about a woman who decides to hike alone for 3 months after her marriage breaks down and her mother dies. I enjoyed it as it kept you watching  and hoping for a happy ending.  Reese Witherspoon was great in it.

I signed up for this Social Media workshop being held in Sydney in April by The Digital Picnic.
I can't wait to learn some new tips + tricks. I love the motivation a good workshop gives you.
Is this is something you'd be interested in?

Finn was away on school camp for a few days and I took the opportunity to rearrange his room and freshen things up. I also couldn't resist this cute little side table from Kmart.

I bought a new hanging plant to sit on my kitchen shelves and the latest issue of Real Living arrived.

The week ended with a little disappointment when we walked out to the kitchen yesterday morning and found water squirting out of the gaps between the floorboards. It turns out that when we had the dishwasher repairman out last week, he didn't reconnect the hose properly. So we have had a steady leak all week that has seeped out under the majority of the floorboards in the kitchen and living area.
We're getting advice on where we go from here! Luckily insurance covers everything.

I also reopened my Etsy shop after a long break over the school holidays.

So how has your week been?


  1. Your blog is always so bright and lovely- I love Finns room, my big boy just turned 8 so it's time to give his bedroom a bit of a makeover.

    1. Thanks Averil :) It's fun to change their rooms as they move into different phases x

  2. Love these snapshots of your week Simone. I hope Finn enjoyed school camp. What's the latest with your floorboards?

    1. Thanks Amanda, he loved school camp but was so exhausted when he got home. Not much sleep was had! We're getting a few people to come out next week and talk a couple of different options over with us.We'll go from there but either way it looks like we will have to move out for a week or so :(


Thanks for reading x