
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Family Jewels.

Besides my engagement,wedding and eternity rings, I'm not one for expensive jewellery :)
Although maybe that is just because no one will buy it for me!

But one thing I can't seem to stop buying is bangles, bracelets and cuffs!

They just seem to add that something to an outfit without seeming too over the top.

Here is my latest purchase from Sportsgirl.

Is there one type of jewellery you keep buying?
What is on your wish list?

Where do you keep your jewels?
Simon made me this holder that is behind the bedroom door.

Yes I know there is a lot of gold bangles there that look the SAME but trust me there are slight variations ;)

Simone xx


  1. love the jewellery holder..great idea, why didn't i think of that? my (not so precious jewellery) is hanging on a mirror in my room. i've been buying lots on etsy lately, with string and beads.
    cheryl x

  2. So beautifully displayed, what a great idea.

  3. Wow, what a great jewellery organiser! All mine is in a tangled mess on my bedside table. I have a few nice piece but as I'm not married I don't have anything too 'big'. I like costume jewellery too and my faves are some of the Louis Vuitton inclusion pieces, theyre nice and sparkly, but I also have $2 Diva pieces too!

  4. Faaaabulous collection, Simone. I love your style!

    This reminds me that I don't really know what an eternity ring is for. People have explained it, but I still don't get it. Who invented it and when did it come into vogue? I'm going to google it and do a post, I think! x

  5. Bron, an eternity ring is just another excuse for another piece of jewellery! xx

  6. How brilliant is that holder? Is it pegboard? So, so clever! And yes, there are certainly one or two bangles in that collection....

    I am a bit addicted to any vintage jewelery that I can justify to myself. Especially necklaces - they completely transform an outfit. And not expensive - just have to be interesting and a bit different.

  7. Simon is a genius!!! How clever is that jewel rack. Unfortunately all of my jewels are stuffed in the bottom bathroom drawer. I think I might have to get hubby cracking on one of Simon's creations!!! Ange

  8. WOW! You DO have alot of bangles! What a fantastic storage solution for your jewels, Simon is super handy around the place :o)
    I do love jewellery, but only wear my engagement and wedding ring mainly... still waiting on that elusive eternity ring ;o)
    I'm a big fan of fashion/costume jewellery though. Love necklaces and bracelets/bangles, even chunky rings give me a thrill. I can get lost in places like Diva/Equip/Sportsgirl. Speaking of which, love your new purchase xo

  9. I love your jewellery display but think it is too beautiful to be behind the door. Maybe if it grows it can overtake to the other side for everyone to enjoy. A great excuse to indulge in more jewels!


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