
Saturday, May 21, 2011

Cupcake Fever!

I was baking like a mad woman last night to make enough cupcakes for Jasper's party today!

oreo cupcakes

Jasper is turning 4 tomorrow so we are having a little party with 25 of his closest friends!!
I have outsourced it to a play centre so I don't have to organise entertainment but I do have to provide the food. 
Hence the cupcakes for the Cupcake King! I don't think he has ever met a cupcake he didn't like :)

nutella fairy bread

I am providing the usual party food with a bit of fruit thrown in so I don't feel too guilty ;)

 I will be using my giant cupcake mold for his birthday cake tomorrow. He is going through a dinosaur phase at the moment so I will probably just place some dinosaurs on it.

I will be making some more cupcakes for kindy on Monday and then I will be done for a few months.
I'll share some party pics on Monday :)

Have a wonderful weekend!
Simone xx

all images via pinterest


  1. These are such ADORABLE ideas!! Hope the party is loads of fun!!

  2. Happy Birthday Jasper :) Hope you have a wonderful weekend celebrating!

    Katena x

  3. I did the same birthday baking last weekend at our house. Love the nutella fairy bread - sounds and looks so much tastier than normal fairy bread. Happy baking! Ange

  4. My eldest is looking over my shoulder as I type and she is in rainbow heaven! gxo

  5. Those rainbow cupcakes are too cute!

  6. Hope Jasper has a super time celebrating his birthday and enjoying all of Mummy's yummy cupcakes :)

  7. Those pics are superb! Just look at those rainbow/cloud cupcakes... WOW! And nutella fairy bread, what a wonderful take on an old theme. Love it!
    Hope Jasper has a lovely birthday party... 25 kids is a fair few, just quietly, good thing the party centre gets the entertaining part ;o)
    Look forward to the party pics and that giant cupcake!

  8. Wow - what beautiful party food inspiration. The rainbow cupcakes are so sweet!
    Hope Jasper had a lovely party. I've no doubt he would have. Don't think I've ever met a cupcake I didn't like either! Ha!

  9. Awww, the cupcakes are so cute!
    Love your blog!
    Have a nice weekend :)

  10. I love those rainbow cupcakes. What a fabulous idea.

  11. I love the rainbow's that you put on the cupcakes. Really nice. Your a amazing baker.



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