Wednesday, December 31, 2014

52/52 - the finale of 2014

A portrait of my sons once a week, every week, in 2014

Wow I made it to the end of the year. At times I didn't think I would as some weeks it was hard to take a photo in the rush of day to day life. But I came to the conclusion that just a quick iPhone photo was enough to capture a moment. I didn't have to pull out the "real" camera and make an occasion of it.

This project was fantastic for me. 
It really helped me see how much the boys have grown throughout the year and how their tastes have changed and how the special moments were celebrated.  I plan on putting all the photos together in a photo book. Portraits of my sons in 2014. I will definitely be doing it again in 2015.

Noah - my baby is now a big boy. Keeping up with the older boys and this week you were toilet trained. We started it four days ago and you were brilliant. We all have made a fuss of you and given you high fives when you go to the toilet. We even ventured out to the shops sans nappy.
 So proud of you and all you have achieved this year.

Jasper - dressed in his favourite shirt. He picked this out to go to the shops, he had his hair gelled and his "phone" (iPod) in this pocket. So grown up. So confident. We love you and are so proud of you.

Finn - loving life and the holidays. Playing with the younger boys and teaching them all different things. They are growing and learning because of you too. Such a great big brother.
 We love you and are so proud of you.

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