Saturday, April 2, 2011

Just another Manic Saturday.....

Ahhh what I wouldnt give for a peaceful , lazy Saturday!

Most of our Saturdays are frantic, filled with kids sport, catch ups with family, birthday parties,
fetes, sleepovers etc.  
My husband works Saturdays so I can't even share the load!

How about you?
Do you get to have lazy Saturdays or are you running around madly?


  1. Yep, always running around madly! I work every second weekend and today is one of those days, so I had better get ready! Have a fun day Simone, hopefully with a litte moment to relax :)

  2. It starts with Swimming, then barbys, sleepovers and generally trying to help out as many mates as possible for a bit of time out from hum drum that can happen if we don't make the effort...are your kids past sleeping age? xx

  3. saturdays are actually pretty lazy these days for son finished school last yr and daughter 2 yrs no more school sport..helping out at sport bday parties etc etc..time to myself.
    hope you get some time for yourself this weekend!

  4. Sorry Simone, lazy for me after manic weeks. This morning the bloke and I made costumes for a fancy dress party tonight...splashing paint over black t-shirts trying to emulate a Jackson Pollock...not very successfully I might add! Fun though :)

  5. We've our 6th birthday party in as many weeks. I've already been to a street garage sale which was fun though!
    Driving up to the beach at lunch time, and looking forward to the fresh air and blue sea! :)

  6. Oh that photo is great...hol's in Greece anyone!

  7. Um, 4 sporty, social children & 1 parent, you do the maths. Thank goodness for awesome mummies who car pool - like in August/ September when it's completely normal to have my children at 6 different birthday parties a weekend, spread over 100km. So much easier when my husband is home with his car too, mind you, he picks & chooses which events he'll support, ha!! He's finding the teenage girl parties a bit scary these days. Love Posie


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